Blog Revolutionizing Property Auctions with 24/7 Global Access

In today’s fast-paced real estate market, offers a modern, flexible solution that transcends the limitations of traditional property auctions. With our platform, bidders can participate in auctions from anywhere in the world, 24/7, over a 30-day period, directly from their iPhone or any other device. This is a significant shift from the constraints of traditional auctions, which are often limited to a single, fixed date and time, and typically require in-person attendance.

Extended Bidding Period

Unlike traditional property auctions, which usually conclude within a brief window of a few hours, allows for an extended bidding period of up to 30 days. This longer timeframe offers several key advantages:

  • Increased Participation: By extending the auction period, more buyers have the opportunity to participate, even if they are in different time zones or have scheduling conflicts. This maximizes exposure and competition, often leading to higher sale prices.
  • Flexibility for Buyers: Bidders can take their time to evaluate the property, conduct inspections, and make informed decisions without the pressure of a rapidly closing auction window.

24/7 Global Bidding Access

Our platform is designed for today’s connected world, where buyers and sellers need flexibility and accessibility:

  • Anytime, Anywhere: With 24/7 access, buyers can place bids at any time, from any location, directly from their iPhone or other devices. This eliminates the need to be physically present at a specific location, as required by traditional auctions.
  • Global Reach: opens up the bidding process to a global audience, significantly expanding the pool of potential buyers. Whether you’re in Sydney, New York, or Tokyo, you can participate in the auction with ease.
  • Convenience and Comfort: Bidders can engage in the auction process from the comfort of their homes or on the go, without the need to attend a live auction event. This convenience not only makes the process more accessible but also more appealing to a broader audience.

Seamless iPhone Integration

In keeping with the demands of modern buyers, offers seamless integration with iPhone and other mobile devices:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Our platform is optimized for mobile use, providing a smooth and intuitive experience for bidders using their iPhones. This ensures that placing a bid, monitoring auction progress, and receiving notifications are all simple and straightforward.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Bidders receive real-time updates and alerts directly to their iPhones, ensuring they never miss an opportunity to place a bid, even when they are on the move.

Beyond Traditional Auctions

The flexibility, accessibility, and extended timeframes offered by make it a superior alternative to traditional property auctions. While traditional auctions are confined to a specific time and place, our platform embraces the digital age, offering a more inclusive, convenient, and effective way to buy and sell property.

Whether you’re a buyer looking to participate in a property auction without geographic limitations or an agent seeking to reach a global audience, provides the tools and flexibility needed to succeed in today’s competitive real estate market.


Why can help agent and vendor identify serious buyers and reducing follow up time. offer a unique advantage in the realm of real estate sales by streamlining the process of identifying serious buyers and significantly reducing the time agents need to spend on follow-ups. Here’s a detailed discussion on how online auctions achieve these benefits:

1. Automated Tracking and Data Insights

How It Works:

  • Real-Time Bidding Data: Online auction platforms provide real-time tracking of bidding activity. Agents can immediately see who is bidding, how often they bid, and at what amounts. This data allows agents to quickly identify which bidders are serious and committed.


  • Focus on Serious Buyers: The detailed bidding history helps agents to identify the most engaged participants. These are the buyers who place multiple bids, increase their bids in response to competition, and participate in overtime bidding. Agents can prioritize their follow-up efforts on these individuals, knowing they are more likely to close the deal.
  • Reduce Follow-Up Time: By focusing only on serious buyers, agents can avoid spending time on casual or non-committed buyers. This reduces the overall time spent on follow-ups, allowing agents to allocate their time more effectively.

2. Streamlined Communication

How It Works:

  • Automated Notifications: Online auction platforms can be set up to automatically notify agents when a buyer places a bid or when certain bidding thresholds are met. This means agents do not need to constantly monitor the auction manually but can instead rely on the platform to alert them when action is needed.


  • Immediate and Targeted Follow-Up: With automated notifications, agents can reach out to serious bidders almost instantly after significant bidding activity. This ensures that the follow-up is timely and relevant, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.
  • Minimized Administrative Work: Automation reduces the need for manual tracking and record-keeping, freeing up time that agents can spend on higher-value activities such as closing deals or securing new listings.

3. Filtering and Pre-Qualification

How It Works:

  • Bidder Registration: Before participating in an online auction, bidders are often required to register and provide certain information, such as proof of funds or pre-approval letters. This step serves as an initial filter to ensure that only qualified buyers participate.


  • Pre-Qualified Buyers: Since bidders are pre-qualified, agents can be more confident that those who are participating are serious about purchasing. This eliminates much of the guesswork involved in traditional follow-ups where agents might spend time chasing leads that ultimately cannot or will not close a deal.
  • Efficient Use of Resources: With a pool of pre-qualified buyers, agents can allocate their resources more efficiently, focusing on nurturing relationships with buyers who have both the intent and the means to purchase.

4. Transparency and Trust

How It Works:

  • Transparent Bidding History: The transparent nature of online auctions, where bidding history and bidder numbers are constantly updated, creates an environment of trust. Buyers know that the process is fair, and agents can rely on the data provided to guide their follow-up strategies.


  • Build Buyer Confidence: When buyers see that the process is transparent, they are more likely to trust the system and the agent, leading to higher levels of engagement. Confident buyers are more serious buyers, making follow-up interactions more productive.
  • Streamlined Negotiations: In a transparent environment, serious buyers are more likely to make strong, competitive bids early in the process, reducing the need for prolonged negotiations and back-and-forth communications.

5. Focused Post-Auction Efforts

How It Works:

  • Post-Auction Engagement: After the auction ends, agents can focus their efforts on the highest bidders, particularly those who were active in the final minutes of the auction. These buyers have already demonstrated their commitment by engaging in competitive bidding.


  • Efficient Closing Process: By narrowing the follow-up to the top bidders, agents can quickly move into the closing phase with buyers who are ready to purchase. This reduces the time from auction to sale and increases the overall efficiency of the sales process.
  • Increased Sales Conversion: Targeted follow-ups with serious buyers who have already shown a willingness to pay a competitive price often result in higher conversion rates and quicker sales.

6. Reduced Cold Outreach

How It Works:

  • Targeted Marketing and Outreach: Online auctions allow agents to focus their marketing efforts on individuals who have shown interest in specific types of properties. Instead of broad and often ineffective cold outreach, agents can use data from previous auctions to target similar properties to serious buyers.


  • Higher ROI on Marketing Efforts: By focusing on a targeted audience that has already demonstrated interest, agents can achieve better results with less effort, reducing the need for widespread and often inefficient cold calling or mass emailing.
  • Better Client Relationships: Engaging with buyers who have a proven interest leads to more meaningful conversations and stronger relationships, further reducing the need for cold outreach and allowing agents to build a loyal client base.

Conclusion are transforming the real estate industry by offering a more efficient and targeted approach to follow-ups and buyer engagement. The automated tracking, transparency, and pre-qualification processes built into these platforms enable agents to quickly identify serious buyers, focus their efforts where they are most likely to succeed, and significantly reduce the time and resources spent on follow-up activities. By leveraging these tools, agents can close deals more quickly, improve their sales conversion rates, and ultimately enhance their productivity and profitability.


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Section 78(3), Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW) and clause 17(1), Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2014 (NSW):

It is an offence against the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 for a person to do any of the following as a result of a collusive practice, or to induce or attempt to induce another person by a collusive practice

to do any of the following:

  1. to abstain from bidding, or
  2. to bid to a limited extent only, or
  3. to do any other act or thing that might prevent free and open competition. Severe penalties may be imposed on persons convicted of collusive practices.
Section 83(2), Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW) and clause 17(2), Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2014 (NSW):

The actual successfu l bidder at an auction sale must give to the auctioneer or an employee of the auctioneer:

  1. the bidder’s name, or
  2. the name of the person on behalf of whom the successful bid was made.
Section 66(4), Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW) and clause 17(3), Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2014 (NSW):

It is an offence against the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 for a person to do any of the following:

  1. make a bid as the seller,
  2. make a bid on behalf of the seller (unless the person is the auctioneer),
  3. procure another perso n to make a bid on behalf of the seller.

Any bid made with the dominant purpose of benefiting the seller const itutes a bid made on behalf of the seller. A bid may be found to be a bid made on behalf of the seller even though the seller did not:

  1. request the bid, or
  2. have any knowledge of the bid.

Severe penalties may be imposed on persons convicted of dummy bidding.



Section 77, Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 (NSW) and clauses 15 and 16, Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2014 (NSW).

Clause 15 (1) – The following conditions are prescribed as applicable to and in respect of the sale by auction of land or livestock:

  1. The vendor’s reserve price must be given in writing to the auctioneer before the auction commences (but not if the auction relates solely to livestock).
  2. A bid for the vendor cannot be made unless the auctioneer has, before the commencement of the auction, announced clearly and precisely the number of bids that may be made by or on behalf of the vendor.
  3. The highest bidder is the purchaser, subject to any reserve price.
  4. In the event of a disputed bid, the auctioneer is the sole arbitrator and the auctioneer’s decision is final.
  5. The auctioneer may refuse to accept any bid that, in the auctioneer’s opinion, is not in the best interests of the vendor.
  6. A bidder is taken to be bidding on the bidder’s own behalf unless, before bidding, the bidder has given to the auctioneer a copy of a written authority to bid for or on behalf of another person.
  7. A bid cannot be made or accepted after the fall of the hammer.
  8. As soon as practicable after the fall of the hammer the purchaser is to sign the agreement (if any) for sale.

Clause 15 (2) – The following conditions, in addition to those prescribed by subclause (1), are prescribed as applicable to and in respect of the sale by auction of residential property or rural land:

  1. All bidders must be registered in the Bidders Record and display an identifying number when making a bid.
  2. Subject to subclause (3), the auctioneer may make only one vendor bid at an auction for the sale of residential property or rural land and no other vendor bid may be made by the auctioneer or any other person.
  3. Immediately before making a vendor bid the auctioneer must announce that the bid is made on behalf of the seller or announce “vendor bid”.

Clause 15 (3) – The following conditions, in addition to those prescribed by subclauses (1) and (2), are prescribed as applicable to and in respect of the sale by auction of co-owned residential property or rural land or the sale of such land by a seller as executor or administrator:

  1. More than one vendor bid may be made to purchase the interest of a co-owner.
  2. A bid by or on behalf of an executor or administrator may be made to purchase in that capacity.
  3. Before the commencement of the auction, the auctioneer must announce that bids to purchase the interest of another co-owner or to purchase as executor or administrator may be made by or on behalf or the seller.
  4. Before the commencement of the auction, the auctioneer must announce the bidder registration number

of any co-owner, executor or administrator or any person registered to bid on behalf of any co-owner, executor or administrator.

Clause 15 (4)- The following condition, in addition to those prescribed by subclause (1), is prescribed as applicable to and in respect of the sale by auction of livestock:

The purchaser of livestock must pay the stock and station agent who conducted the auction (or under whose immediate and direct supervision the auction was conducted) or the vendor the full amount of the purchase price:

  1. if that amount can reasonably be determined immediately after the fall of the hammer – before the close of the next business day following the auction, or
  2. if that amount cannot reasonably be determined immediately after the fall of the hammer – before the close of the next business day following determination of that amount,

unless some other time for payment is specified in a written agreement between the purchaser and the agent or the purchaser and the vendor made before the fall of the hammer.